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Attach any file to your existing PDF document - Advanced PDF Tools
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Attach any file to your existing PDF document.

Is it a secret of Adobe PDF file that you can attach any file or files to an existing PDF documents?

With our Advanced PDF Tools Command Line utility, you can attach your Microsoft Word document or Excel document or Microsoft Visio document or Microsoft Publisher document or file of any type to your existing PDF file. And the file that you attach is called the ATTACHMENT of a PDF file.

A user appreciated that he can attach his Microsoft Word document as an attachment to the PDF file that he has created! Advanced PDF Tools Command Line product.

QUESTION: How to use PDF Attachment (attach files into PDF file) function in Advanced PDF Tools Command Line product?

Please refer to following steps,

1. Please download Advanced PDF Tools Command Line from following URL,


2. Unzip .zip package to a folder, e.g., C:\pdftools folder,

3. Run following command line to attach files into your PDF files,

Attach various files to PDF files:

pdftools -S "attachfiles=C:\1.txt|C:\2.jpg|C:\3.pdf" -i C:\in.pdf -o C:\out.pdf
pdftools -S "attachfiles=C:\*.*" -i C:\in.pdf -o C:\out.pdf
pdftools -S "attachfiles=C:\filelist.lst" -i C:\in.pdf -o C:\out.pdf
pdftools -S collection=true -S "attachfiles=C:\filelist.lst" -i C:\in.pdf -oC:\out.pdf

4. OK.

You can purchase Advanced PDF Tools Command Line product from following page,


PDF Attachment (attach files into PDF files) - Add files to your PDF files has never been easier! Now choose from more options when changing your PDF files! Click here to learn more...

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