PDF linearization (optimization) - Advanced PDF Tools Optimize for fast Web viewing, PDF linearization (optimization), Change Creator, Producer, Dates, Author, Title, Subject & Keywords, Compress PDF files and reduce the file size by compression and optimization, Resize, rotate PDF pages, set page margin, Set open actions, compress PDF files, JPEG2000, CCITT Group4, JPEG Image Compression for PDF documents |
QUESTION: What is a linearized PDF file?
ANSWER: A linearized PDF file is a PDF file that is structured in a way
that allows the first page of the PDF file to be displayed in a user Web browser
before the entire file is downloaded from the Web server. If you're developing a
Web-based system that creates large PDF files for delivery to Web browsers over
the Internet, you should try to make sure that your system can generate
linearized PDF files. Your users might become frustrated and impatient if your
system creates large PDF files that are not linearized, because it could take 30
seconds or even longer for a user Web browser to display a large PDF file that
is not linearized.
When you're working with applications that create PDF files,
the term "optimize for fast Web viewing" is often used to refer to
In this context, when we talk about "large" PDF files, we're referring to PDF
files that have lots of text and graphics and contain more than one page. If
your PDF files will be small and relatively simple, you probably don need to
worry about linearization.
Note that there is no reason to concern yourself with linearization unless
you're creating a Web-based system that is intended to display PDF files in a
user's Web browser. For example, if you are creating a system that e-mails PDF
files to recipients, there is no reason to linearize the PDF files.
For more information about linearized PDF files, point your Web browser to the
following location on the Adobe Systems Incorporated Web site:
and go to Appendix F.
QUESTION: How to use PDF linearization (optimization) function in
Advanced PDF Tools Command Line product?
ANSWER: Please refer to following steps,
1. Please download Advanced PDF Tools Command Line from following URL,
2. Unzip .zip package to a folder, e.g., C:\pdftools folder,
3. Run following command line to linearize your PDF files,
Enable Fast Web View to PDF files:
C:\pdftools\pdftools.exe -i C:\in.pdf -o C:\out.pdf -S "linearize=true"
C:\pdftools\pdftools.exe -i C:\*.pdf -o D:\*.pdf -S "linearize=true" -S
4. OK.
You can purchase Advanced PDF Tools Command Line product from following
PDF linearization (optimization) - linearize your PDF files has never been easier! Now choose from more options when changing your PDF files! Click here to learn more...
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