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Print & Convert Documents in Batch mode

docPrint and docPrint Pro are virtual printer software that saves any document you print as 20+ formats. Below are some examples that can help you to accomplish your task with docPrint Printer.

  1. Open printer settings panel: Start=>Settings=>Printers.
  2. If docPrint Printer is not your default printer, right-click it and select "Set as Default Printer" option from the menu.
  3. Press Start=>Run and enter command line for your task:

    PDF file
        If you have Acrobat Reader installed:
        AcroRd32.exe /p /h "C:\filename.pdf"
        If you have Acrobat Writer (Acrobat full version) installed:
        Acrobat.exe /p /h "C:\filename.pdf"
    Text file
        notepad.exe /p "C:\filename.txt"
    RTF file
        WORDPAD.EXE /p "C:\filename.rtf"
    Microsoft Outlook file
        OUTLOOK.EXE /p "C:\OUTLOOK\filename.msg"
    Microsoft Visio file
        visio.exe /pt "C:\Visio\filename.vsd" "docPrint"
    HTM or HTML file
        rundll32.exe MSHTML.DLL,PrintHTML "C:\HTM\filename.htm"
        rundll32.exe MSHTML.DLL,PrintHTML "http://www.verypdf.com"
    Font file
        fontview.exe /p Arial.ttf
    Microsoft PowerPoint file
        POWERPNT.EXE -p "C:\filename.ppt"

Other options for Developers:

  1. Use OpenPrinter, DocumentProperties, CreateDC and BitBlt (StretchBlt, TextOut, DrawText, ExtTextOut, PlayEnhMetaFile, Polygon, ......), Windows API functions for sending your own graphic data to docPrint device context;
  2. Or print documents to 20+ formats from your program with the help of ShellExecute(...) function. Here is a code example for Visual C++:
        ShellExecute( 0, "print", "C:\\test.doc", 0, 0, SW_HIDE );                                              
  3. Using docPrint SDK product which provide by VeryPDF;

    Convert C:\doc file to C:\out.pdf file;
    int iRet = docPrint_DocumentConverter("C:\\in.doc", "C:\\out.pdf", NULL);

    Convert C:\in.doc file to C:\out.ps file;
    int iRet = docPrint_DocumentConverter("C:\\in.doc", "C:\\out.ps", NULL);

    Convert C:\in.doc file to C:\out.eps file;
    int iRet = docPrint_DocumentConverter("C:\\in.doc", "C:\\out.eps", NULL);

    Convert C:\in.doc file to a multi-page, 300DPI, Blank and White C:\out.tif file;
    int iRet = docPrint_DocumentConverter("C:\\in.doc", "C:\\out.tif", "-b 1 -r 300x300");

    Convert C:\in.doc file to single page, 300DPI, Blank and White C:\out-XXX.tif files;
    int iRet = docPrint_DocumentConverter("C:\\in.doc", "C:\\out-%03d.tif", "-b 1 -r 300x300");

    Convert C:\in.pdf file to a multi-page, 300DPI, Blank and White C:\out.tif file;
    int iRet = docPrint_DocumentConverter("C:\\in.pdf", "C:\\out.tif", "-b 1 -r 300x300");

    Convert C:\in.pdf file to single page, 300DPI, Blank and White C:\out-XXX.tif files;
    int iRet = docPrint_DocumentConverter("C:\\in.pdf", "C:\\out-%03d.tif", "-b 1 -r 300x300");

    Convert C:\in.xls file to 300DPI JPEG files;
    int iRet = docPrint_DocumentConverter("C:\\in.xls", "C:\\out.jpg", "-r 300x300");

    Convert C:\in.pdf file to C:\out.ps files;
    int iRet = docPrint_DocumentConverter("C:\\in.pdf", "C:\\out.ps", NULL);

    Convert C:\in.doc file to C:\out.emf files;
    int iRet = docPrint_DocumentConverter("C:\\in.doc", "C:\\out.emf", "-e");

    Convert C:\in.doc file to C:\out.wmf files;
    int iRet = docPrint_DocumentConverter("C:\\in.doc", "C:\\out.wmf", "-e");

    Convert C:\in.doc file to C:\out.png files;
    int iRet = docPrint_DocumentConverter("C:\\in.doc", "C:\\out.png", "");

    Convert C:\in.xls file to C:\out.png files;
    int iRet = docPrint_DocumentConverter("C:\\in.xls", "C:\\out.png", "");

    Download Evaluation Version of docPrint SDK
    Purchase docPrint SDK

  4. Command Line options in doc2pdf.exe (doc2pdf.exe is included in the docPrint Pro package),
    doc2pdf -i C:\input.doc -o C:\output.pdf
    doc2pdf -i C:\input.xls -o C:\output.pdf
    doc2pdf -i C:\input.vsd -o C:\output.tif
    doc2pdf -i C:\input.pdf -o C:\output.tif
    doc2pdf -f 8 -i "http://www.verypdf.com" -o C:\output.pdf
    doc2pdf -f 1 -i "http://www.verypdf.com" -o C:\output.pdf
    doc2pdf -i C:\input.pdf -o C:\out.tif -b 24
    doc2pdf -i C:\in.pdf -o C:\out.tif -b 1 -r 200x300
    doc2pdf -i C:\in.pdf -o C:\out.jpg -b 24 -r 200x300
    doc2pdf -i C:\*.doc -o C:\*.pdf
    doc2pdf -i C:\*.xls -o C:\*.pdf
    doc2pdf -i C:\*.xls -o C:\*.jpg
    doc2pdf -p 2 -i C:\input.ppt -o C:\output.pdf
    doc2pdf -a "Author" -i C:\input.dwg -o C:\output.pdf
    doc2pdf -l 10000 -i http://www.verypdf.com -o C:\output.pdf
    doc2pdf -i C:\input.doc -o C:\output.emf -e
    doc2pdf -i C:\input.doc -o C:\output.wmf
    doc2pdf -i C:\input.doc -o C:\output.bmp
    doc2pdf -i C:\input.vsd -o C:\output.emf -e
    doc2pdf -i C:\input.pdf -o C:\output.tif -b 1 -r 300x300
    doc2pdf -i C:\input.ps -o C:\output.jpg -r 200x200
    doc2pdf -i C:\input.eps -o C:\output.jpg
    doc2pdf -R 90 -i C:\input.ppt -o C:\output.tif
    doc2pdf -R 270 -i C:\input.ppt -o C:\output.tif
    doc2pdf -i http://www.verypdf.com -o C:\output.pdf
    doc2pdf -i C:\input.pdf -o C:\out-%d.tif -b 24
    doc2pdf -i C:\in.pdf -o C:\out-%03d.tif -b 1 -r 200x300
    doc2pdf -i C:\in.pdf -o C:\out-%05d.jpg -b 24 -r 200x300
    doc2pdf -E 0 -i C:\input.xls -o C:\output.pdf
    doc2pdf -i C:\input.dwg -o C:\output.emf -e

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