Coordinate Systems
4.2 Coordinate Systems
Coordinate systems define the canvas on which all painting occurs. They deter-
mine the position, orientation, and size of the text, graphics, and images that
appear on a page. This section describes each of the coordinate systems used in
PDF, how they are related, and how transformations among them are specified.
The coordinate systems discussed in this section apply to two-dimensional
graphics. PDF 1.6 introduces the ability to display 3D artwork, in which objects are
described in a three-dimensional coordinate system, as described in Section 9.5.4,
“Coordinate Systems for 3D.”
4.2.1 Coordinate Spaces
Paths and positions are defined in terms of pairs of
on the Cartesian
plane. A coordinate pair is a pair of real numbers
that locate a point hori-
zontally and vertically within a two-dimensional
coordinate space.
A coordinate
space is determined by the following properties with respect to the current page:
The location of the origin
The orientation of the
The lengths of the units along each axis
PDF defines several coordinate spaces in which the coordinates specifying graph-
ics objects are interpreted. The following sections describe these spaces and the
relationships among them.
Transformations among coordinate spaces are defined by
transformation matri-
which can specify any linear mapping of two-dimensional coordinates, in-
cluding translation, scaling, rotation, reflection, and skewing. Transformation
matrices are discussed in Sections 4.2.2, “Common Transformations,” and 4.2.3,
“Transformation Matrices.”
Device Space
The contents of a page ultimately appear on a raster output device such as a dis-
play or a printer. Such devices vary greatly in the built-in coordinate systems they
use to address pixels within their imageable areas. A particular device’s coordi-
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