In situations other than the usual case where the PDF page size equals the printed
page size, watermark annotations with a
entry should be printed in the
following manner:
When page tiling is selected in a viewer application (that is, a single PDF page
is printed on multiple pages), the annotations are printed at the specified size
and position on each page to ensure that any enclosed content is present and
legible on each printed page.
printing is selected (that is, multiple PDF pages are printed on a
single page), the annotations are printed at the specified size and are positioned
as if the dimensions of the printed page were limited to a single portion of the
page. This ensures that any enclosed content does not overlap content from
other pages, thus rendering it illegible. (See implementation note 97 in Appen-
dix H.)
8.5 Actions
Instead of simply jumping to a destination in the document, an annotation or
outline item can specify an
action (PDF 1.1)
for the viewer application to per-
form, such as launching an application, playing a sound, or changing an annota-
tion’s appearance state. The optional
entry in the annotation or outline item
dictionary (see Tables 8.15 on page 606 and 8.4 on page 585) specifies an action
to be performed when the annotation or outline item is activated; in PDF 1.2, a
variety of other circumstances may trigger an action as well (see Section 8.5.2,
“Trigger Events”). In addition, the optional
entry in a document’s
catalog (Section 3.6.1, “Document Catalog”) may specify an action to be per-
formed when the document is opened. PDF includes a wide variety of standard
action types, described in detail in Section 8.5.3, “Action Types.”
8.5.1 Action Dictionaries
action dictionary
defines the characteristics and behavior of an action. Table
8.43 shows the required and optional entries that are common to all action
dictionaries. The dictionary may contain additional entries specific to a particu-
lar action type; see the descriptions of individual action types in Section 8.5.3,
“Action Types,” for details.
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