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5.20     Font flags 458
5.21     Additional font descriptor entries for CIDFonts 461
5.22     Glyph classes in CJK fonts 463
5.23     Embedded font organization for various font types 465
5.24     Additional entries in an embedded font stream dictionary 466
6.1      Predefined spot functions 489
6.2      PDF halftone types 496
6.3      Entries in a type 1 halftone dictionary 497
6.4      Additional entries specific to a type 6 halftone dictionary 499
6.5      Additional entries specific to a type 10 halftone dictionary 502
6.6      Additional entries specific to a type 16 halftone dictionary 504
6.7      Entries in a type 5 halftone dictionary 505
7.1      Variables used in the basic compositing formula 518
7.2      Standard separable blend modes 520
7.3      Standard nonseparable blend modes 524
7.4      Variables used in the source shape and opacity formulas 528
7.5      Variables used in the result shape and opacity formulas 529
7.6      Revised variables for the basic compositing formulas 532
7.7      Arguments and results of the group compositing function 534
7.8      Variables used in the group compositing formulas 536
7.9      Variables used in the page group compositing formulas 543
7.10     Entries in a soft-mask dictionary 553
7.11     Restrictions on the entries in a soft-mask image dictionary 554
7.12     Additional entry in a soft-mask image dictionary 555
7.13     Additional entries specific to a transparency group attributes
         dictionary 556
7.14     Overprinting behavior in the opaque imaging model 570
7.15     Overprinting behavior in the transparent imaging model 571
8.1      Entries in a viewer preferences dictionary 578
8.2      Destination syntax 582
8.3      Entries in the outline dictionary 585
8.4      Entries in an outline item dictionary 585
8.5      Outline item flags 587
8.6      Entries in a collection dictionary 589
8.7      Entries in a collection schema dictionary 590
8.8      Entries in a collection field dictionary 591
8.9      Entries in a collection sort dictionary 592
8.10     Entries in a page label dictionary 595
8.11     Entries in a thread dictionary 596
8.12     Entries in a bead dictionary 597
8.13     Entries in a transition dictionary 599
8.14     Entries in a navigation node dictionary 602
8.15     Entries common to all annotation dictionaries 606

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