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8.59     Additional entries specific to a movie action 665
8.60     Additional entries specific to a hide action 666
8.61     Named actions 666
8.62     Additional entries specific to named actions 667
8.63     Additional entries specific to a set-OCG-state action 667
8.64     Additional entries specific to a rendition action 669
8.65     Additional entries specific to a transition action 670
8.66     Additional entries specific to a go-to-3D-view action 670
8.67     Entries in the interactive form dictionary 672
8.68     Signature flags 674
8.69     Entries common to all field dictionaries 675
8.70     Field flags common to all field types 676
8.71     Additional entries common to all fields containing variable text 678
8.72     XHTML elements used in rich text strings 681
8.73     Attributes of the <body> element 681
8.74     CSS2 style attributes used in rich text strings 682
8.75     Field flags specific to button fields 686
8.76     Additional entry specific to check box and radio button fields 688
8.77     Field flags specific to text fields 691
8.78     Additional entry specific to a text field 692
8.79     Field flags specific to choice fields 693
8.80     Additional entries specific to a choice field 694
8.81     Additional entries specific to a signature field 696
8.82     Entries in a signature field lock dictionary 697
8.83     Entries in a signature field seed value dictionary 697
8.84     Entries in a certificate seed value dictionary 700
8.85     Additional entries specific to a submit-form action 703
8.86     Flags for submit-form actions 704
8.87     Additional entries specific to a reset-form action 707
8.88     Flag for reset-form actions 708
8.89     Additional entries specific to an import-data action 708
8.90     Additional entries specific to a JavaScript action 709
8.91     Entry in the FDF trailer dictionary 713
8.92     Entries in the FDF catalog dictionary 714
8.93     Entries in the FDF dictionary 714
8.94     Additional entry in an embedded file stream dictionary for an encrypted
         FDF file 716
8.95     Entries in the JavaScript dictionary 716
8.96     Entries in an FDF field dictionary 717
8.97     Entries in an icon fit dictionary 719
8.98     Entries in an FDF page dictionary 720
8.99     Entries in an FDF template dictionary 721
8.100    Entries in an FDF named page reference dictionary 721

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