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SECTION 1.1                                                         About This Book

• Chapter 8, “Interactive Features,” describes those features of PDF that allow a
  user to interact with a document on the screen by using the mouse and key-
• Chapter 9, “Multimedia Features,” describes those features of PDF that support
  embedding and playing multimedia content, including video, music and 3D
• Chapter 10, “Document Interchange,” shows how PDF documents can incor-
  porate higher-level information that is useful for the interchange of documents
  among applications.
• Appendix A, “Operator Summary,” lists all the operators used in describing the
  visual content of a PDF document.
• Appendix B, “Operators in Type 4 Functions,” summarizes the PostScript oper-
  ators that can be used in PostScript calculator functions, which contain code
  written in a small subset of the PostScript language.
• Appendix C, “Implementation Limits,” describes typical size and quantity
  limits imposed by the Acrobat viewer applications.
• Appendix D, “Character Sets and Encodings,” lists the character sets and en-
  codings that are assumed to be predefined in any PDF consumer application.
• Appendix E, “PDF Name Registry,” discusses a registry, maintained for devel-
  opers by Adobe Systems, that contains private names and formats used by PDF
  producers or Acrobat plug-in extensions.
• Appendix F, “Linearized PDF,” describes a special form of PDF file organiza-
  tion designed to work efficiently in network environments.
• Appendix G, “Example PDF Files,” presents several examples showing the
  structure of actual PDF files, ranging from one containing a minimal one-page
  document to one showing how the structure of a PDF file evolves over the
  course of several revisions.
• Appendix H, “Compatibility and Implementation Notes,” provides details on
  the behavior of Acrobat viewer applications and describes how consumer appli-
  cations should handle PDF files containing features that they do not recognize.
• Appendix I, “Computation of Object Digests,” describes in detail an algorithm
  for calculating an object digest (discussed in Section 8.7, “Digital Signatures”).

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