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           CHAPTER 3                                                                           Syntax

KEY             TYPE              VALUE

TrimBox         rectangle         (Optional; PDF 1.3) A rectangle, expressed in default user space units, de-
                                  fining the intended dimensions of the finished page after trimming (see
                                  Section 10.10.1, “Page Boundaries”). Default value: the value of CropBox.

ArtBox          rectangle         (Optional; PDF 1.3) A rectangle, expressed in default user space units, de-
                                  fining the extent of the page’s meaningful content (including potential
                                  white space) as intended by the page’s creator (see Section 10.10.1, “Page
                                  Boundaries”). Default value: the value of CropBox.

BoxColorInfo    dictionary        (Optional; PDF 1.4) A box color information dictionary specifying the col-
                                  ors and other visual characteristics to be used in displaying guidelines on
                                  the screen for the various page boundaries (see “Display of Page Bound-
                                  aries” on page 965). If this entry is absent, the application should use its
                                  own current default settings.

Contents        stream or array   (Optional) A content stream (see Section 3.7.1, “Content Streams”) de-
                                  scribing the contents of this page. If this entry is absent, the page is empty.
                                  The value may be either a single stream or an array of streams. If the value
                                  is an array, the effect is as if all of the streams in the array were concatenat-
                                  ed, in order, to form a single stream. This allows PDF producers to create
                                  image objects and other resources as they occur, even though they inter-
                                  rupt the content stream. The division between streams may occur only at
                                  the boundaries between lexical tokens (see Section 3.1, “Lexical Conven-
                                  tions”) but is unrelated to the page’s logical content or organization. Ap-
                                  plications that consume or produce PDF files are not required to preserve
                                  the existing structure of the Contents array. (See implementation note 36
                                  in Appendix H.)

Rotate          integer           (Optional; inheritable) The number of degrees by which the page should
                                  be rotated clockwise when displayed or printed. The value must be a mul-
                                  tiple of 90. Default value: 0.

Group           dictionary        (Optional; PDF 1.4) A group attributes dictionary specifying the attributes
                                  of the page’s page group for use in the transparent imaging model (see
                                  Sections 7.3.6, “Page Group,” and 7.5.5, “Transparency Group XObjects”).

Thumb           stream            (Optional) A stream object defining the page’s thumbnail image (see Sec-
                                  tion 8.2.3, “Thumbnail Images”).

B               array             (Optional; PDF 1.1; recommended if the page contains article beads) An ar-
                                  ray of indirect references to article beads appearing on the page (see Sec-
                                  tion 8.3.2, “Articles”; see also implementation note 37 in Appendix H).
                                  The beads are listed in the array in natural reading order.

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