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CHAPTER 3                                                                     Syntax

TYPE                   DESCRIPTION                                  SECTION    PAGE

boolean                Boolean value                                3.2.1      52

byte string            A series of 8-bit bytes that represent       3.8.1      157
                       characters or other binary data. If such a
                       type represents characters, the encoding
                       is not identified.

date                   Date (ASCII string)                          3.8.3      160

dictionary             Dictionary object                            3.2.6      59

file specification     File specification (string or dictionary)    3.10       178

function               Function (dictionary or stream)              3.9        166

integer                Integer number                               3.2.2      52

name                   Name object                                  3.2.4      56

name tree              Name tree (dictionary)                       3.8.5      161

null                   Null object                                  3.2.8      63

number                 Number (integer or real)                     3.2.2      52

number tree            Number tree (dictionary)                     3.8.6      166

PDFDocEncoded string   Bytes containing a string that has been      3.8.1
                       encoded using PDFDocEncoding

rectangle              Rectangle (array)                            3.8.4      161

stream                 Stream object                                3.2.7      60

string                 Any string that is not a text string.        3.8.1      53
                       Beginning with PDF 1.7, this type is
                       further qualified as the types:
                       PDFDocEncoded string, ASCII string,
                       and byte string.

text string            Bytes that represent characters encoded     3.8.1       158
                       using either PDFDocEncoding or UTF-
                       16BE with a leading byte-order marker (as
                       defined in “Text String Type” on page 158.)

text stream            Text stream                                  3.8.2      160

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