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       SECTION 4.2                                                             Coordinate Systems

       A transformation matrix in PDF is specified by six numbers, usually in the form
       of an array containing six elements. In its most general form, this array is denoted
       [ a b c d e f ]; it can represent any linear transformation from one coordinate
       system to another. This section lists the arrays that specify the most common
       transformations; Section 4.2.3, “Transformation Matrices,” discusses more math-
       ematical details of transformations, including information on specifying transfor-
       mations that are combinations of those listed here:

       • Translations are specified as [ 1  0 0 1 tx ty ], where tx and ty are the distances
           to translate the origin of the coordinate system in the horizontal and vertical
           dimensions, respectively.
       • Scaling is obtained by [ sx    0 0 sy 0 0 ]. This scales the coordinates so that 1
           unit in the horizontal and vertical dimensions of the new coordinate system is
           the same size as sx and sy units, respectively, in the previous coordinate system.
       • Rotations are produced by [ cos θ sin θ −sin θ cos θ       0 0 ], which has the effect
           of rotating the coordinate system axes by an angle θ counterclockwise.
       • Skew is specified by [ 1 tan α tan β    1 0 0 ], which skews the x axis by an angle
           α and the y axis by an angle β.

       Figure 4.5 shows examples of each transformation. The directions of translation,
       rotation, and skew shown in the figure correspond to positive values of the array

                           sy                                                             b

      tx                              sx

     Translation                    Scaling                    Rotation                  Skewing

                            FIGURE 4.5 Effects of coordinate transformations

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