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           SECTION 4.3                                                            Graphics State

PARAMETER             TYPE               VALUE

black generation      function or name   (PDF 1.2) A function that calculates the level of the black color
                                         component to use when converting RGB colors to CMYK (see Sec-
                                         tion 6.2.3, “Conversion from DeviceRGB to DeviceCMYK”). Initial
                                         value: installation-dependent.

undercolor removal    function or name   (PDF 1.2) A function that calculates the reduction in the levels of
                                         the cyan, magenta, and yellow color components to compensate for
                                         the amount of black added by black generation (see Section 6.2.3,
                                         “Conversion from DeviceRGB to DeviceCMYK”). Initial value: in-

transfer              function,          (PDF 1.2) A function that adjusts device gray or color component
                      array, or name     levels to compensate for nonlinear response in a particular output
                                         device (see Section 6.3, “Transfer Functions”). Initial value:

halftone              dictionary,        (PDF 1.2) A halftone screen for gray and color rendering, specified
                      stream, or name    as a halftone dictionary or stream (see Section 6.4, “Halftones”).
                                         Initial value: installation-dependent.

flatness              number             The precision with which curves are to be rendered on the output
                                         device (see Section 6.5.1, “Flatness Tolerance”). The value of this
                                         parameter gives the maximum error tolerance, measured in output
                                         device pixels; smaller numbers give smoother curves at the expense
                                         of more computation and memory use. Initial value: 1.0.

smoothness            number             (PDF 1.3) The precision with which color gradients are to be ren-
                                         dered on the output device (see Section 6.5.2, “Smoothness Toler-
                                         ance”). The value of this parameter gives the maximum error
                                         tolerance, expressed as a fraction of the range of each color compo-
                                         nent; smaller numbers give smoother color transitions at the
                                         expense of more computation and memory use. Initial value:

           Some graphics state parameters are set with specific PDF operators, some are set
           by including a particular entry in a graphics state parameter dictionary, and some
           can be specified either way. The current line width, for example, can be set either
           with the w operator or (in PDF 1.3) with the LW entry in a graphics state parame-
           ter dictionary, whereas the current color is set only with specific operators, and
           the current halftone is set only with a graphics state parameter dictionary. It is
           expected that all future graphics state parameters will be specified with new
           entries in the graphics state parameter dictionary rather than with new operators.

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