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      SECTION 4.3                                                           Graphics State

      These operators can be used to encapsulate a graphical element so that it can
      modify parameters of the graphics state and later restore them to their previous
      values. Occurrences of the q and Q operators must be balanced within a given
      content stream (or within the sequence of streams specified in a page dictionary’s
      Contents array).

4.3.2 Details of Graphics State Parameters

      This section gives details of several of the device-independent graphics state pa-
      rameters listed in Table 4.2.

      Line Width

      The line width parameter specifies the thickness of the line used to stroke a path.
      It is a non-negative number expressed in user space units; stroking a path entails
      painting all points whose perpendicular distance from the path in user space is
      less than or equal to half the line width. The effect produced in device space
      depends on the current transformation matrix (CTM) in effect at the time the
      path is stroked. If the CTM specifies scaling by different factors in the horizontal
      and vertical dimensions, the thickness of stroked lines in device space will vary
      according to their orientation. The actual line width achieved can differ from the
      requested width by as much as 2 device pixels, depending on the positions of lines
      with respect to the pixel grid. Automatic stroke adjustment can be used to ensure
      uniform line width; see Section 6.5.4, “Automatic Stroke Adjustment.”

      A line width of 0 denotes the thinnest line that can be rendered at device resolu-
      tion: 1 device pixel wide. However, some devices cannot reproduce 1-pixel lines,
      and on high-resolution devices, they are nearly invisible. Since the results of ren-
      dering such zero-width lines are device-dependent, their use is not recommend-

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