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       CHAPTER 4                                                                       Graphics

       name of a graphics state parameter dictionary whose contents specify the values of
       one or more graphics state parameters. This name is looked up in the ExtGState
       subdictionary of the current resource dictionary. (The name ExtGState, for
       extended graphics state, is a vestige of earlier versions of PDF.)

       Note: The graphics state parameter dictionary is also used by type 2 patterns, which
       do not have a content stream in which the graphics state operators could be invoked
       (see Section 4.6.3, “Shading Patterns”).

       Each entry in the parameter dictionary specifies the value of an individual graph-
       ics state parameter, as shown in Table 4.8. All entries need not be present for ev-
       ery invocation of the gs operator; the supplied parameter dictionary may include
       any combination of parameter entries. The results of gs are cumulative; parame-
       ter values established in previous invocations persist until explicitly overridden.
       Note that some parameters appear in both Tables 4.7 and 4.8; these parameters
       can be set either with individual graphics state operators or with gs. It is expected
       that any future extensions to the graphics state will be implemented by adding
       new entries to the graphics state parameter dictionary rather than by introducing
       new graphics state operators.

                    TABLE 4.8 Entries in a graphics state parameter dictionary
KEY     TYPE                 DESCRIPTION

Type    name                 (Optional) The type of PDF object that this dictionary describes; must be
                             ExtGState for a graphics state parameter dictionary.

LW      number               (Optional; PDF 1.3) The line width (see “Line Width” on page 215).

LC      integer              (Optional; PDF 1.3) The line cap style (see “Line Cap Style” on page 216).

LJ      integer              (Optional; PDF 1.3) The line join style (see “Line Join Style” on page 216).

ML      number               (Optional; PDF 1.3) The miter limit (see “Miter Limit” on page 217).

D       array                (Optional; PDF 1.3) The line dash pattern, expressed as an array of the form
                             [ dashArray dashPhase ], where dashArray is itself an array and dashPhase is an
                             integer (see “Line Dash Pattern” on page 217).

RI      name                 (Optional; PDF 1.3) The name of the rendering intent (see “Rendering
                             Intents” on page 260).

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