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            CHAPTER 4                                                                         Graphics

                      TABLE 4.21 Entries in a DeviceN color space attributes dictionary
KEY            TYPE            VALUE

Subtype        name            (Optional; PDF 1.6) A name specifying the preferred treatment for the color
                               space. Possible values are DeviceN and NChannel. Default value: DeviceN.

Colorants      dictionary      (Required if Subtype is NChannel and the color space includes spot colorants; other-
                               wise optional) A dictionary describing the individual colorants used in the
                               DeviceN color space. For each entry in this dictionary, the key is a colorant name
                               and the value is an array defining a Separation color space for that colorant (see
                               “Separation Color Spaces” on page 264). The key must match the colorant name
                               given in that color space.
                               This dictionary provides information about the individual colorants that may be
                               useful to some applications. In particular, the alternate color space and tint trans-
                               formation function of a Separation color space describe the appearance of that
                               colorant alone, whereas those of a DeviceN color space describe only the appear-
                               ance of its colorants in combination.
                               If Subtype is NChannel, this dictionary must have entries for all spot colorants in
                               this color space. This dictionary may also include additional colorants not used
                               by this color space.

Process        dictionary      (Required if Subtype is NChannel and the color space includes components of a pro-
                               cess color space, otherwise optional; PDF 1.6) A dictionary (see Table 4.22) that de-
                               scribes the process color space whose components are included in this color

MixingHints    dictionary      (Optional; PDF 1.6) A dictionary (see Table 4.23) that specifies optional attributes
                               of the inks to be used in blending calculations when used as an alternative to the
                               tint transformation function.

            A value of NChannel for the Subtype entry indicates that some of the other en-
            tries in this dictionary are required rather than optional. The Colorants entry
            specifies a colorants dictionary that contains entries for all the spot colorants in
            the color space; they are defined using individual Separation color spaces. The
            Process entry specifies a process dictionary (see Table 4.22) that identifies the pro-
            cess color space that is used by this color space and the names of its components.
            It must be present if Subtype is NChannel and the color space has process color
            components. (An NChannel color space may contain components from at most
            one process color space.)

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