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SECTION 4.6                                                                   Patterns

whose value is the Pattern color space shown above and P2 as a Pattern resource
denoting an uncolored tiling pattern, the code

   /Cs3 cs
   0.30 0.75 0.21 /P2 scn

establishes Cs3 as the current nonstroking color space and P2 as the current non-
stroking color, to be painted in the color represented by the specified components
in the DeviceRGB color space. Subsequent executions of nonstroking painting op-
erators, such as f (fill), Tj (show text), and Do (paint external object) with an im-
age mask, use the designated pattern and color to tile the areas to be painted. The
same pattern can be used repeatedly with a different color each time.

Example 4.24 is similar to Example 4.23 on page 295, except that it uses an uncol-
ored tiling pattern to paint the three circles and the triangle, each in a different
color (see Plate 9). To do so, it supplies four operands each time it invokes the scn
operator: three numbers denoting the color components in the underlying
DeviceRGB color space, along with the name of the pattern.

Example 4.24

   5 0 obj                                         % Page object
      << /Type /Page
          /Parent 2 0 R
          /Resources 10 0 R
          /Contents 30 0 R
          /CropBox [ 0 0 225 225 ]

   10 0 obj                                        % Resource dictionary for page
      << /ColorSpace << /Cs12 12 0 R >>
          /Pattern << /P1 15 0 R >>

   12 0 obj                                        % Color space
      [ /Pattern /DeviceRGB ]

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