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SECTION 4.8                                                                   Images

have the same meanings as in a stream dictionary (Table 3.4 on page 62) or an
image dictionary (Table 4.39). Entries other than those listed are ignored; in par-
ticular, the Type, Subtype, and Length entries normally found in a stream or im-
age dictionary are unnecessary. For convenience, the abbreviations shown in the
table may be used in place of the fully spelled-out keys. Table 4.44 shows addi-
tional abbreviations that can be used for the names of color spaces and filters.
Note, however, that these abbreviations are valid only in inline images; they may
not be used in image XObjects. Also note that JBIG2Decode and JPXDecode are
not listed in Table 4.44 because those filters can be applied only to image

                      TABLE 4.43 Entries in an inline image object
FULL NAME                                ABBREVIATION

BitsPerComponent                         BPC

ColorSpace                               CS

Decode                                   D

DecodeParms                              DP

Filter                                   F

Height                                   H

ImageMask                                IM

Intent (PDF 1.1)                         No abbreviation

Interpolate                              I (uppercase I)

Width                                    W

              TABLE 4.44 Additional abbreviations in an inline image object
FULL NAME                                ABBREVIATION

DeviceGray                               G

DeviceRGB                                RGB

DeviceCMYK                               CMYK

Indexed                                  I (uppercase I)

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