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            SECTION 5.5                                                             Simple Fonts

KEY              TYPE         VALUE

CharProcs        dictionary   (Required) A dictionary in which each key is a character name and the value
                              associated with that key is a content stream that constructs and paints the
                              glyph for that character. The stream must include as its first operator either
                              d0 or d1, followed by operators describing one or more graphics objects,
                              which may include path, text, or image objects. See below for more details
                              about Type 3 glyph descriptions.

Encoding         name or      (Required) An encoding dictionary whose Differences array specifies the
                 dictionary   complete character encoding for this font (see Section 5.5.5, “Character
                              Encoding”; also see implementation note 64 in Appendix H).

FirstChar        integer      (Required) The first character code defined in the font’s Widths array.

LastChar         integer      (Required) The last character code defined in the font’s Widths array.

Widths           array        (Required; indirect reference preferred) An array of (LastChar − FirstChar + 1)
                              widths, each element being the glyph width for the character code that equals
                              FirstChar plus the array index. For character codes outside the range FirstChar
                              to LastChar, the width is 0. These widths are interpreted in glyph space as
                              specified by FontMatrix (unlike the widths of a Type 1 font, which are in
                              thousandths of a unit of text space).
                              Note: If FontMatrix specifies a rotation, only the horizontal component of the
                              transformed width is used. That is, the resulting displacement is always hori-
                              zontal in text space, as is the case for all simple fonts.

FontDescriptor   dictionary   (Required in Tagged PDF documents; must be an indirect reference) A font de-
                              scriptor describing the font’s default metrics other than its glyph widths (see
                              Section 5.7, “Font Descriptors”).

Resources        dictionary   (Optional but strongly recommended; PDF 1.2) A list of the named resources,
                              such as fonts and images, required by the glyph descriptions in this font (see
                              Section 3.7.2, “Resource Dictionaries”). If any glyph descriptions refer to
                              named resources but this dictionary is absent, the names are looked up in the
                              resource dictionary of the page on which the font is used. (See implementa-
                              tion note 65 in Appendix H.)

ToUnicode        stream       (Optional; PDF 1.2) A stream containing a CMap file that maps character
                              codes to Unicode values (see Section 5.9, “Extraction of Text Content”).

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