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           CHAPTER 5                                                                           Text

KEY             TYPE        VALUE

Supplement      integer     (Required) The supplement number of the character collection. An original charac-
                            ter collection has a supplement number of 0. Whenever additional CIDs are
                            assigned in a character collection, the supplement number is increased. Supple-
                            ments do not alter the ordering of existing CIDs in the character collection. This
                            value is not used in determining compatibility between character collections.

  5.6.3 CIDFonts

           A CIDFont program contains glyph descriptions that are accessed using a CID as
           the character selector. There are two types of CIDFonts:

           • A Type 0 CIDFont contains glyph descriptions based on the Adobe Type 1 font
             Note: The term “Type 0” when applied to a CIDFont has a different meaning than
             for a “Type 0 font”.
           • A Type 2 CIDFont contains glyph descriptions based on the TrueType font format
           A CIDFont dictionary is a PDF object that contains information about a CIDFont
           program. Although its Type value is Font, a CIDFont is not actually a font. It does
           not have an Encoding entry, it cannot be listed in the Font subdictionary of a re-
           source dictionary, and it cannot be used as the operand of the Tf operator. It is
           used only as a descendant of a Type 0 font. The CMap in the Type 0 font is what
           defines the encoding that maps character codes to CIDs in the CIDFont. Table
           5.14 lists the entries in a CIDFont dictionary.

                                TABLE 5.14 Entries in a CIDFont dictionary
KEY                TYPE           VALUE

Type               name           (Required) The type of PDF object that this dictionary describes; must be
                                  Font for a CIDFont dictionary.

Subtype            name           (Required) The type of CIDFont; CIDFontType0 or CIDFontType2.

BaseFont           name           (Required) The PostScript name of the CIDFont. For Type 0 CIDFonts, this
                                  is usually the value of the CIDFontName entry in the CIDFont program. For
                                  Type 2 CIDFonts, it is derived the same way as for a simple TrueType font;
                                  see Section 5.5.2, “TrueType Fonts.” In either case, the name can have a sub-
                                  set prefix if appropriate; see Section 5.5.3, “Font Subsets.”

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