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          CHAPTER 5                                                                             Text

          • usefont specifies a font number that is an implicit operand of all the character
            code mapping operations that follow. In PDF, the font number must be 0;
            therefore, usefont typically does not actually appear.
          • beginbfchar and    endbfchar define mappings of individual input character
            codes to character codes or character names in the associated font.
            beginbfrange and endbfrange do the same for ranges of input codes. In PDF,
            these operators may not appear in a CMap that is used as the Encoding entry of
            a Type 0 font; however, they may appear in the definition of a ToUnicode CMap
            (see Section 5.9, “Extraction of Text Content”).
          • begincidchar and endcidchar define mappings of individual input character
            codes to CIDs in the associated CIDFont. begincidrange and endcidrange do
            the same, but for ranges of input codes.
          • beginnotdefchar,  endnotdefchar, beginnotdefrange, and endnotdefrange
            define notdef mappings from character codes to CIDs. As described in the
            section “Handling Undefined Characters” on page 454, a notdef mapping is
            used if the normal mapping produces a CID for which no glyph is present in
            the associated CIDFont.

          The   beginrearrangedfont,      endrearrangedfont,    beginusematrix,   and
          endusematrix operators, described in Adobe Technical Note #5014, Adobe CMap
          and CIDFont Files Specification, cannot be used in CMap files embedded in a
          PDF file.

  5.6.5 Type 0 Font Dictionaries

          A Type 0 font dictionary contains the entries listed in Table 5.18.

          Example 5.11 shows a Type 0 font that refers to a single CIDFont. The CMap used
          is one of the predefined CMaps listed in Table 5.15 on page 442 and is referenced
          by name.

                             TABLE 5.18 Entries in a Type 0 font dictionary
KEY                 TYPE        VALUE

Type                name        (Required) The type of PDF object that this dictionary describes; must be
                                Font for a font dictionary.

Subtype             name        (Required) The type of font; must be Type0 for a Type 0 font.

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