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          CHAPTER 8                                                            Interactive Features

KEY                         TYPE          VALUE

View                        name          (Optional) The initial view. The following values are valid:
                                             D    The collection view is presented in details mode, with all
                                                  information in the Schema dictionary presented in a multi-
                                                  column format. This mode provides the most information
                                                  to the user.
                                             T    The collection view is presented in tile mode, with each file
                                                  in the collection denoted by a small icon and a subset of in-
                                                  formation from the Schema dictionary. This mode provides
                                                  top-level information about the file attachments to the user.
                                             H    The collection view is initially hidden, without preventing
                                                  the user from obtaining a file list via explicit action.
                                          Default value: D

Sort                        dictionary    (Optional) A collection sort dictionary, which specifies the order in
                                          which items in the collection should be sorted in the user interface
                                          (see Table 8.9 on page 592).

          A collection schema dictionary consists of a variable number of individual collec-
          tion field dictionaries. Each collection field dictionary has a key chosen by the
          producer, which is used to associate a field with data in a file specification. Table
          8.7 describes the entries in a collection schema dictionary.

                            TABLE 8.7 Entries in a collection schema dictionary
KEY                         TYPE          VALUE

Type                        name          (Optional) The type of PDF object that this dictionary describes; if
                                          present, must be CollectionSchema for a collection schema dictio-

Other keys chosen by        dictionary    (Optional) Each dictionary entry is a collection field dictionary.
producer                                  Each key name is chosen at the discretion of the producer. The key
                                          name of each collection field dictionary is used to identify a corre-
                                          sponding collection item dictionary in a file specification dictio-

          A collection field dictionary describes the attributes of a particular field in a porta-
          ble collection, including the type of data stored in the field and the lookup key
          used to locate the field data in the file specification dictionary. Table 8.8 describes
          the entries in a collection field dictionary.

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