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          CHAPTER 8                                                             Interactive Features

                                     TABLE 8.27 Line ending styles

Square                            A square filled with the annotation’s interior color, if any

Circle                            A circle filled with the annotation’s interior color, if any

Diamond                           A diamond shape filled with the annotation’s interior color, if any

OpenArrow                         Two short lines meeting in an acute angle to form an open arrowhead

ClosedArrow                       Two short lines meeting in an acute angle as in the OpenArrow style (see
                                  above) and connected by a third line to form a triangular closed arrowhead
                                  filled with the annotation’s interior color, if any

None                              No line ending

Butt                              (PDF 1.5) A short line at the endpoint perpendicular to the line itself

ROpenArrow                        (PDF 1.5) Two short lines in the reverse direction from OpenArrow

RClosedArrow                      (PDF 1.5) A triangular closed arrowhead in the reverse direction from

Slash                             (PDF 1.6) A short line at the endpoint approximately 30 degrees clockwise
                                  from perpendicular to the line itself

          Square and Circle Annotations

          Square and circle annotations (PDF 1.3) display, respectively, a rectangle or an
          ellipse on the page. When opened, they display a pop-up window containing the
          text of the associated note. The rectangle or ellipse is inscribed within the annota-
          tion rectangle defined by the annotation dictionary’s Rect entry (see Table 8.15 on
          page 606). Figure 8.8 shows two annotations, each with a border width of 18
          points. Despite the names square and circle, the width and height of the annota-
          tion rectangle need not be equal. Table 8.28 shows the annotation dictionary en-
          tries specific to these types of annotations.

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