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          CHAPTER 8                                                                          Interactive Features

                   TABLE 8.30 Additional entries specific to text markup annotations
KEY              TYPE           VALUE

Subtype          name           (Required) The type of annotation that this dictionary describes; must be
                                Highlight, Underline, Squiggly, or StrikeOut for a highlight, underline,
                                squiggly-underline, or strikeout annotation, respectively.

QuadPoints       array          (Required) An array of 8 × n numbers specifying the coordinates of n quadri-
                                laterals in default user space. Each quadrilateral encompasses a word or
                                group of contiguous words in the text underlying the annotation. The coordi-
                                nates for each quadrilateral are given in the order
                                   x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4
                                specifying the quadrilateral’s four vertices in counterclockwise order (see
                                Figure 8.9). The text is oriented with respect to the edge connecting points
                                (x1 , y1) and (x2 , y2). (See implementation note 92 in Appendix H.)
                                Note: The annotation dictionary’s AP entry, if present, takes precedence over
                                QuadPoints; see Table 8.15 and Section 8.4.4, “Appearance Streams.”

                                                                   (x3 , y3 )

                                                     iter                       (x2 , y2 )

                                   (x4 , y4 )
                                                (x1 , y1 )

                                  FIGURE 8.9 QuadPoints specification

          Caret Annotations

          A caret annotation (PDF 1.5) is a visual symbol that indicates the presence of text
          edits. Table 8.31 lists the entries specific to caret annotations.

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