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          SECTION 8.4                                                                Anno ta tions

          Pop-up Annotations

          A pop-up annotation (PDF 1.3) displays text in a pop-up window for entry and
          editing. It typically does not appear alone but is associated with a markup annota-
          tion, its parent annotation, and is used for editing the parent’s text. It has no
          appearance stream or associated actions of its own and is identified by the Popup
          entry in the parent’s annotation dictionary (see Table 8.21 on page 618). Table
          8.34 shows the annotation dictionary entries specific to this type of annotation.

                       TABLE 8.34 Additional entries specific to a pop-up annotation
KEY          TYPE                VALUE

Subtype      name                (Required) The type of annotation that this dictionary describes; must be
                                 Popup for a pop-up annotation.

Parent       dictionary          (Optional; must be an indirect reference) The parent annotation with which
                                 this pop-up annotation is associated.
                                 Note: If this entry is present, the parent annotation’s Contents, M, C, and T
                                 entries (see Table 8.15 on page 606) override those of the pop-up annotation

Open         boolean             (Optional) A flag specifying whether the pop-up annotation should initially
                                 be displayed open. Default value: false (closed).

          File Attachment Annotations

          A file attachment annotation (PDF 1.3) contains a reference to a file, which typi-
          cally is embedded in the PDF file (see Section 3.10.3, “Embedded File Streams”);
          see implementation note 95 in Appendix H. For example, a table of data might
          use a file attachment annotation to link to a spreadsheet file based on that data;
          activating the annotation extracts the embedded file and gives the user an oppor-
          tunity to view it or store it in the file system. Table 8.35 shows the annotation dic-
          tionary entries specific to this type of annotation.

          The Contents entry of the annotation dictionary may specify descriptive text re-
          lating to the attached file. Viewer applications should use this entry rather than
          the optional Desc entry (PDF 1.6) in the file specification dictionary (see Table
          3.41) identified by the annotation’s FS entry; see implementation note 95 in Ap-
          pendix H.

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