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          SECTION 8.4                                                                       Anno ta tions

KEY           TYPE              VALUE

Name          name              (Optional) The name of an icon to be used in displaying the annotation. Viewer
                                applications should provide predefined icon appearances for at least the stan-
                                dard names Speaker and Mic. Additional names may be supported as well. De-
                                fault value: Speaker.
                                Note: The annotation dictionary’s AP entry, if present, takes precedence over the
                                Name entry; see Table 8.15 on page 606 and Section 8.4.4, “Appearance Streams.”

          Movie Annotations
          A movie annotation (PDF 1.2) contains animated graphics and sound to be pre-
          sented on the computer screen and through the speakers. When the annotation is
          activated, the movie is played. Table 8.37 shows the annotation dictionary entries
          specific to this type of annotation. Movies are discussed in Section 9.3, “Movies.”

                          TABLE 8.37 Additional entries specific to a movie annotation
KEY         TYPE                VALUE

Subtype     name                (Required) The type of annotation that this dictionary describes; must be Movie
                                for a movie annotation.

T           text string         (Optional) The title of the movie annotation. Movie actions (page 664) can use
                                this title to reference the movie annotation.

Movie       dictionary          (Required) A movie dictionary describing the movie’s static characteristics (see
                                Section 9.3, “Movies”).

A           boolean or          (Optional) A flag or dictionary specifying whether and how to play the movie
            dictionary          when the annotation is activated. If this value is a dictionary, it is a movie activa-
                                tion dictionary (see Section 9.3, “Movies”) specifying how to play the movie. If
                                the value is the boolean true, the movie should be played using default activation
                                parameters. If the value is false, the movie should not be played. Default value:

          Screen Annotations
          A screen annotation (PDF 1.5) specifies a region of a page upon which media clips
          may be played. It also serves as an object from which actions can be triggered.
          “Rendition Actions” on page 668 discusses the relationship between screen anno-
          tations and rendition actions. Table 8.38 shows the annotation dictionary entries
          specific to this type of annotation.

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