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      CHAPTER 8                                                            Interactive Features

      The MK entry can be used to provide an appearance characteristics dictionary con-
      taining additional information for constructing the annotation’s appearance
      stream. Table 8.40 shows the contents of this dictionary.

                  TABLE 8.40 Entries in an appearance characteristics dictionary
KEY     TYPE             VALUE

R       integer          (Optional) The number of degrees by which the widget annotation is rotated
                         counterclockwise relative to the page. The value must be a multiple of 90.
                         Default value: 0.

BC      array            (Optional) An array of numbers in the range 0.0 to 1.0 specifying the color of the
                         widget annotation’s border. The number of array elements determines the color
                         space in which the color is defined:
                            0    No color; transparent
                            1    DeviceGray
                            3    DeviceRGB
                            4    DeviceCMYK

BG      array            (Optional) An array of numbers in the range 0.0 to 1.0 specifying the color of the
                         widget annotation’s background. The number of array elements determines the
                         color space, as described above for BC.

CA      text string      (Optional; button fields only) The widget annotation’s normal caption, displayed
                         when it is not interacting with the user.
                         Note: Unlike the remaining entries listed below, which apply only to widget annota-
                         tions associated with pushbutton fields (see “Pushbuttons” on page 686), the CA
                         entry can be used with any type of button field, including check boxes (“Check Box-
                         es” on page 686) and radio buttons (“Radio Buttons” on page 688).

RC      text string      (Optional; pushbutton fields only) The widget annotation’s rollover caption, dis-
                         played when the user rolls the cursor into its active area without pressing the
                         mouse button.

AC      text string      (Optional; pushbutton fields only) The widget annotation’s alternate (down)
                         caption, displayed when the mouse button is pressed within its active area.

I       stream           (Optional; pushbutton fields only; must be an indirect reference) A form XObject
                         defining the widget annotation’s normal icon, displayed when it is not interacting
                         with the user.

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