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         SECTION 8.4                                                                  Anno ta tions

                             TABLE 8.42 Entries in a fixed print dictionary
KEY         TYPE            VALUE

Type        name            (Required) Must be FixedPrint.

Matrix      array           (Optional) The matrix used to transform the annotation’s rectangle before ren-
                            Default value: the identity matrix [ 1 0 0 1 0 0 ].
                            Note: When positioning content near the edge of a page, it is recommended that
                            this entry be used to provide a reasonable offset to allow for nonprintable margins.

H           number          (Optional) The amount to translate the associated content horizontally, as a per-
                            centage of the width of the target media (or if unknown, the width of the page’s
                            MediaBox). 1.0 represents 100% and 0.0 represents 0%. Negative values are not
                            recommended, since they may cause content to be drawn off the page.
                            Default value: 0.

V           number          (Optional) The amount to translate the associated content vertically, as a per-
                            centage of the height of the target media (or if unknown, the height of the page’s
                            MediaBox). 1.0 represents 100% and 0.0 represents 0%. Negative values are not
                            recommended, since they may cause content to be drawn off the page.
                            Default value: 0.

         When rendering a watermark annotation with a FixedPrint entry, the following
         behavior occurs:

         • The annotation’s rectangle (as specified by its Rect entry) is translated to the or-
           igin and transformed by the Matrix entry of its FixedPrint dictionary to produce
           a quadrilateral with arbitrary orientation.
         • The transformed annotation rectangle is defined as the smallest upright rectan-
           gle that encompasses this quadrilateral; it is used in place of the annotation
           rectangle referred to in steps 2 and 3 of Algorithm 8.1 on page 612.

         In addition, given a matrix B that maps a scaled and rotated page into the default
         user space, a new matrix is computed that cancels out B and translates the origin
         of the printed page to the origin of the default user space. This transformation is
         applied to ensure the correct scaling and alignment.

         Example 8.10 shows a watermark annotation that prints a text string one inch
         from the left and one inch from the top of the printed page.

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