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            SECTION 8.5                                                                             Actions

            annotation provide the default values. Any information specified in the movie ac-
            tion dictionary overrides these values.

                               TABLE 8.59 Additional entries specific to a movie action
KEY              TYPE             VALUE

S                name             (Required) The type of action that this dictionary describes; must be Movie for a
                                  movie action.

Annotation       dictionary       (Optional) An indirect reference to a movie annotation identifying the movie to be

T                text string      (Optional) The title of a movie annotation identifying the movie to be played.
                                  Note: The dictionary must include either an Annotation or a T entry but not both.

Operation        name             (Optional) The operation to be performed on the movie:
                                     Play          Start playing the movie, using the play mode specified by the dic-
                                                   tionary’s Mode entry (see Table 9.31 on page 785). If the movie is
                                                   currently paused, it is repositioned to the beginning before play-
                                                   ing (or to the starting point specified by the dictionary’s Start en-
                                                   try, if present).
                                     Stop          Stop playing the movie.
                                     Pause         Pause a playing movie.
                                     Resume        Resume a paused movie.
                                  Default value: Play.

            Hide Actions

            A hide action (PDF 1.2) hides or shows one or more annotations on the screen by
            setting or clearing their Hidden flags (see Section 8.4.2, “Annotation Flags”). This
            type of action can be used in combination with appearance streams and trigger
            events (Sections 8.4.4, “Appearance Streams,” and 8.5.2, “Trigger Events”) to dis-
            play pop-up help information on the screen. For example, the E (enter) and X (ex-
            it) trigger events in an annotation’s additional-actions dictionary can be used to
            show and hide the annotation when the user rolls the cursor in and out of its ac-
            tive area on the page. This can be used to pop up a help label, or tool tip,
            describing the effect of clicking at that location on the page. Table 8.60 shows the
            action dictionary entries specific to this type of action. (See implementation
            notes 109 and 110 in Appendix H.)

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