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      SECTION 8.6                                                             Interactive Forms

KEY             TYPE               VALUE

CO              array              (Required if any fields in the document have additional-actions dictio-
                                   naries containing a C entry; PDF 1.3) An array of indirect references to
                                   field dictionaries with calculation actions, defining the calculation or-
                                   der in which their values will be recalculated when the value of any
                                   field changes (see Section 8.5.2, “Trigger Events”).

DR              dictionary         (Optional) A resource dictionary (see Section 3.7.2, “Resource Dic-
                                   tionaries”) containing default resources (such as fonts, patterns, or col-
                                   or spaces) to be used by form field appearance streams. At a
                                   minimum, this dictionary must contain a Font entry specifying the re-
                                   source name and font dictionary of the default font for displaying text.
                                   (See implementation notes 113 and 114 in Appendix H.)

DA              string             (Optional) A document-wide default value for the DA attribute of vari-
                                   able text fields (see “Variable Text” on page 677).

Q               integer            (Optional) A document-wide default value for the Q attribute of vari-
                                   able text fields (see “Variable Text” on page 677).

XFA             stream or array    (Optional; PDF 1.5) A stream or array containing an XFA resource,
                                   whose format is described by the Data Package (XDP) Specification.
                                   (see the Bibliography).
                                   The value of this entry must be either a stream representing the entire
                                   contents of the XML Data Package or an array of text string and
                                   stream pairs representing the individual packets comprising the XML
                                   Data Package.
                                   See Section 8.6.7, “XFA Forms,” for more information.
                                   Note: In the original version of the PDF 1.5 specification, the value of
                                   this entry was defined as a stream only; see implementation note 115 in
                                   Appendix H.

      The value of the interactive form dictionary’s SigFlags entry is an unsigned 32-bit
      integer containing flags specifying various document-level characteristics related
      to signature fields (see “Signature Fields” on page 695). Bit positions within the
      flag word are numbered from 1 (low-order) to 32 (high-order). Table 8.68 shows
      the meanings of the flags; all undefined flag bits are reserved and must be set to 0.

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