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          CHAPTER 8                                                              Interactive Features

KEY            TYPE              VALUE

V              (various)         (Optional; inheritable) The field’s value, whose format varies depending on
                                 the field type. See the descriptions of individual field types for further infor-

DV             (various)         (Optional; inheritable) The default value to which the field reverts when a
                                 reset-form action is executed (see “Reset-Form Actions” on page 707). The
                                 format of this value is the same as that of V.

AA             dictionary        (Optional; PDF 1.2) An additional-actions dictionary defining the field’s
                                 behavior in response to various trigger events (see Section 8.5.2, “Trigger
                                 Events”). This entry has exactly the same meaning as the AA entry in an
                                 annotation dictionary (see Section 8.4.1, “Annotation Dictionaries”).

          The value of the field dictionary’s Ff entry is an unsigned 32-bit integer contain-
          ing flags specifying various characteristics of the field. Bit positions within the
          flag word are numbered from 1 (low-order) to 32 (high-order). The flags shown
          in Table 8.70 are common to all types of fields. Flags that apply only to specific
          field types are discussed in the sections describing those types. All undefined flag
          bits are reserved and must be set to 0.

                             TABLE 8.70 Field flags common to all field types

1               ReadOnly         If set, the user may not change the value of the field. Any associated widget
                                 annotations will not interact with the user; that is, they will not respond to
                                 mouse clicks or change their appearance in response to mouse motions. This
                                 flag is useful for fields whose values are computed or imported from a data-

2               Required         If set, the field must have a value at the time it is exported by a submit-form
                                 action (see “Submit-Form Actions” on page 703).

3               NoExport         If set, the field must not be exported by a submit-form action (see “Submit-
                                 Form Actions” on page 703).

          Field Names

          The T entry in the field dictionary (see Table 8.69 on page 675) holds a text string
          defining the field’s partial field name. The fully qualified field name is not explicit-
          ly defined but is constructed from the partial field names of the field and all of its

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