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            SECTION 8.6                                                               Interactive Forms

                              TABLE 8.72 XHTML elements used in rich text strings

<body>            The element at the root of the XML document. Table 8.73 lists the required attributes for this

<p>               Encloses text that is interpreted as a paragraph. It may take the style attributes listed in Table

<i>               Encloses text that is displayed in an italic font.

<b>               Encloses text that is displayed in a bold font.

<span>            Groups text solely for the purpose of applying styles (using the attributes in Table 8.74).

                                  TABLE 8.73 Attributes of the <body> element

xmlns                 The default namespaces for elements within the rich text string. Must be xmlns="http://

xfa:contentType       Must be "text/html".

xfa:APIVersion        A string that identifies the software used to generate the rich text string. It must be of the
                      form software_name:software_version, where
                      • software_name identifies the software by name. It must not contain spaces.
                      • software_version identifies the version of the software. It consists of a series of integers
                        separated by decimal points. Each integer is a version number, the leftmost value being a
                        major version number, with values to the right increasingly minor. When comparing
                        strings, the versions are compared in order. For example “5.2” is less than “5.13” because
                        2 is less than 13; the string is not treated as a decimal number. When comparing strings
                        with different numbers of sections, the string with fewer sections is implicitly padded on
                        the right with sections containing “0” to make the number of sections equivalent.

xfa:spec              The version of the XML Forms Architecture (XFA) specification to which the rich text
                      string complies. PDF 1.5 supports XFA 2.0; PDF 1.6 supports XFA 2.2; and PDF 1.7 sup-
                      ports XFA 2.4.

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