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          SECTION 8.6                                                                 Interactive Forms

          using Unicode encoding for non-Latin characters (see Table 8.76). Opt holds an
          array of text strings corresponding to the widget annotations representing the in-
          dividual buttons in the field’s Kids array.

          Text Fields

          A text field (field type Tx) is a box or space in which the user can enter text from
          the keyboard. The text may be restricted to a single line or may be permitted to
          span multiple lines, depending on the setting of the Multiline flag in the field dic-
          tionary’s Ff entry. Table 8.77 shows the flags pertaining to this type of field.

                               TABLE 8.77 Field flags specific to text fields

13              Multiline           If set, the field can contain multiple lines of text; if clear, the field’s text is
                                    restricted to a single line.

14              Password            If set, the field is intended for entering a secure password that should not
                                    be echoed visibly to the screen. Characters typed from the keyboard
                                    should instead be echoed in some unreadable form, such as asterisks or
                                    bullet characters.
                                    To protect password confidentiality, viewer applications should never
                                    store the value of the text field in the PDF file if this flag is set.

21              FileSelect          (PDF 1.4) If set, the text entered in the field represents the pathname of a
                                    file whose contents are to be submitted as the value of the field.

23              DoNotSpellCheck (PDF 1.4) If set, text entered in the field is not spell-checked.

24              DoNotScroll         (PDF 1.4) If set, the field does not scroll (horizontally for single-line fields,
                                    vertically for multiple-line fields) to accommodate more text than fits
                                    within its annotation rectangle. Once the field is full, no further text is ac-

25              Comb                (PDF 1.5) Meaningful only if the MaxLen entry is present in the text field
                                    dictionary (see Table 8.78) and if the Multiline, Password, and FileSelect
                                    flags are clear. If set, the field is automatically divided into as many equally
                                    spaced positions, or combs, as the value of MaxLen, and the text is laid out
                                    into those combs.

26              RichText            (PDF 1.5) If set, the value of this field should be represented as a rich text
                                    string (see “Rich Text Strings” on page 680). If the field has a value, the RV
                                    entry of the field dictionary (Table 8.71) specifies the rich text string.

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