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            CHAPTER 8                                                           Interactive Features

                         TABLE 8.84 Entries in a certificate seed value dictionary
KEY              TYPE          VALUE

Type             name          (Optional) The type of PDF object that this dictionary describes; if present,
                               must be SVCert for a certificate seed value dictionary.

Subject          array         (Optional) An array of byte strings containing DER-encoded X.509v3 certifi-
                               cates that are acceptable for signing. X.509v3 certificates are described in RFC
                               3280, Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure, Certificate and Certificate Revo-
                               cation List (CRL) Profile (see the Bibliography). The value of the corresponding
                               flag in the Ff entry indicates whether this is a required constraint.

SubjectDN        array of     (Optional; PDF 1.7) An array of dictionaries, where each dictionary contains
                 dictionaries key value pairs, that specify the Subject Distinguished Name (DN) that must
                              be present within the certificate for it to be acceptable for signing. The certifi-
                              cate must at a minimum contain all the attributes specified in the dictionary.
                              That is, the certificate can contain additional attributes. The Subject Distin-
                              guished Name is described in RFC 3280 (see the Bibliography). The key can be
                              any legal attribute identifier. Attribute names are typically of the form ‘cn’, ‘o’,
                              ‘email’, ‘’ and always contain characters in the set a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and ‘.’.
                              Values are text strings. An example dictionary is
                              <</cn (John Smith) / (JS)>>.

                               The value of the corresponding flag in the Ff entry indicates whether this entry
                               is a required constraint.

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