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            CHAPTER 8                                                                Interactive Features

KEY            TYPE          VALUE

Signature      array         (Optional) An array of names specifying additional signature-related usage rights for
                             the document. The only defined value is Modify, which permits a user to apply a digi-
                             tal signature to an existing signature form field or clear a signed signature form field.

EF             array         (Optional; PDF 1.6) An array of names specifying additional usage rights for named
                             embedded files in the document. Valid names are Create, Delete, Modify, and Import,
                             which permit the user to perform the named operation on named embedded files.

P              boolean       (Optional; PDF 1.6) If true, permissions for the document should be restricted in all
                             consumer applications to those permissions granted by Adobe Reader, while allowing
                             permissions for rights enabled by other entries in this dictionary. Default value: false.


            The FieldMDP transform method computes an object digest over a list of form
            field objects and is used to detect changes to the values of those form fields. The
            entries in its transform parameters dictionary are listed in Table 8.106.

                       TABLE 8.106 Entries in the FieldMDP transform parameters dictionary
KEY            TYPE          VALUE

Type           name          (Optional) The type of PDF object that this dictionary describes; if present, must be
                             TransformParams for a transform parameters dictionary.

Action         name          (Required) A name that, along with the Fields array, describes which form fields are
                             included in the object digest (and hence do not permit changes after the signature is
                             applied). Valid values are:
                                All          All form fields.
                                Include      Only those form fields that are specified in Fields.
                                Exclude      Only those form fields that are not specified in Fields.

Fields         array         (Required if Action is Include or Exclude) An array of text strings containing field

V              name          (Optional) The transform parameters dictionary version. The value for PDF 1.5 and
                             later is 1.2. (Note that this value is a name object, not a number.) (See implementation
                             note 145 in Appendix H.) Default value: 1.2.

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