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         SECTION 8.9                                                          Document Requirements

         Example 8.22

           <</Type /Measure
              /Subtype /RL
              /R (1in = 0.1 mi)
              /X [ <</U (mi)               % x offset represented in miles
                     /C .00139             % Conversion from user space units to miles
                     /D 100000
              /D [<< /U (mi) /C 1 >>       % Distance: initial unit is miles; no conversion needed
                   << /U (ft) /C 5280 >>   % Conversion from miles to feet
                   << /U (in) /C 12        % Conversion from feet to inches
                      /F /F /D 8 >>        % Fractions of inches rounded to nearest 1/8
              /A [<</U (acres)             % Area: measured in acres
                     /C 640 >>             % Conversion from square miles to acres

      8.9 Document Requirements

         Beginning with PDF 1.7, a document can specify requirements that must be
         present in a PDF consumer application in order for the document to function
         properly. The Requirements entry in the document catalog (see Section 3.6.1,
         “Document Catalog”) specifies an array of requirement dictionaries, whose en-
         tries are shown in Table 8.113. (See also implementation note 147 in Appendix

                      TABLE 8.113 Entries common to all requirement dictionaries
KEY                         TYPE            DESCRIPTION

Type                        name            (Optional) The type of PDF object that this dictionary describes. If
                                            present, must be Requirement for a requirement dictionary.

S                           name            (Required) The type of requirement that this dictionary describes.
                                            Currently, the only defined value is EnableJavaScripts.

RH                          array           (Optional) An array of requirement handler dictionaries (see Table
                                            8.114). This array lists the requirement handlers that should be dis-
                                            abled (not executed) if the PDF consumer application can check the
                                            requirement specified in the S entry.

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