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         SECTION 8.9                                                 Document Requirements

KEY                    TYPE          DESCRIPTION

S                      name          (Required) The type of requirement handler that this dictionary de-
                                     scribes. Valid requirement handler types are JS (for a JavaScript re-
                                     quirement handlers) and NoOp.
                                     A value of NoOp allows older PDF consumer applications to ignore
                                     unrecognized requirements. This value does not add any specific
                                     entry to the requirement handler dictionary.

Script                 text string   (Optional; valid only if the S entry has a value of JS) The name of a
                                     document-level JavaScript action stored in the document name dic-
                                     tionary (see Section 3.6.3, “Name Dictionary). If the PDF consumer
                                     application understands the parent requirement dictionary and can
                                     verify the requirement specified in that dictionary, it disables exe-
                                     cution of the requirement handler identified in this dictionary.

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