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         CHAPTER 9                                                                   Multimedia Features

                              TABLE 9.8 Entries common to all media clip dictionaries
KEY            TYPE             VALUE

Type           name             (Optional) The type of PDF object that this dictionary describes; if present, must be
                                MediaClip for a media clip dictionary.

S              name             (Required) The subtype of media clip that this dictionary describes. May be MCD for
                                media clip data (see “Media Clip Data” on page 764) or MCS for a media clip section
                                (see “Media Clip Section” on page 767). The media clip is considered non-viable if
                                the viewer application does not recognize the value of this entry.

N              text string      (Optional) The name of the media clip, for use in the user interface.

         Media Clip Data

         A media clip data dictionary defines the data for a media object that can be
         played. For example, it may reference a URL to a streaming video presentation or
         a movie embedded in the PDF file. Its entries are listed in Table 9.9.

                             TABLE 9.9 Additional entries in a media clip data dictionary
KEY    TYPE                     VALUE

D      file specification       (Required) A full file specification or form XObject that specifies the actual media
       or stream                data.

CT     ASCII string             (Optional; not allowed for form XObjects) An ASCII string identifying the type of
                                data in D. The string should conform to the content type specification described in
                                Internet RFC 2045, Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part One: For-
                                mat of Internet Message Bodies (see the Bibliography).

P      dictionary               (Optional) A media permissions dictionary (see Table 9.10) containing permissions
                                that control the use of the media data. Default value: a media permissions dictio-
                                nary containing default values.

Alt    array                    (Optional) An array that provides alternate text descriptions for the media clip data
                                in case it cannot be played; see “Multi-language Text Arrays” on page 942.

PL     dictionary               (Optional) A media players dictionary (see “Media Players Dictionary” on page 777)
                                that identifies, among other things, players that are legal and not legal for playing
                                the media.
                                Note: If the media players dictionary is non-viable, the media clip data is non-viable.

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