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          SECTION 9.1                                                                  Multimedia

    9.1.6 Other Multimedia Objects

          This section defines several dictionary types that are referenced by the previous

          Media Players Dictionary

          A media players dictionary can be referenced by media clip data (see “Media Clip
          Data” on page 764) and media play parameters (see Section 9.1.4, “Media Play Pa-
          rameters”) dictionaries, and allows them to specify which players may or may not
          be used to play the associated media. The media players dictionary references
          media player info dictionaries (see “Media Player Info Dictionary,” below) that
          provide specific information about each player.

                            TABLE 9.25 Entries in a media players dictionary
KEY     TYPE             VALUE

Type    name             (Optional) The type of PDF object that this dictionary describes; if present, must be
                         MediaPlayers for a media players dictionary.

MU      array            (Optional) An array of media player info objects (see Table 9.26) that specify a set of
                         players, one of which must be used in playing the associated media object.
                         Note: Any players specified in NU are effectively removed from MU. (For example, if
                         MU specifies versions 1 through 5 of a player and NU specifies versions 1 and 2 of the
                         same player, MU is effectively versions 3 through 5.)

A       array            (Optional) An array of media player info objects (see Table 9.26) that specify a set of
                         players, any of which may be used in playing the associated media object. If MU is
                         also present and non-empty, A is ignored.

NU      array            (Optional) An array of media player info objects (see Table 9.26) that specify a set of
                         players that must not be used in playing the associated media object (even if they are
                         also specified in MU).

          The MU, A, and NU entries each specify one or more media player info objects.
          (An empty array is treated as if it is not present.) The media player info objects
          are allowed to specify overlapping player ranges (for example, MU could contain a
          media player info dictionary describing versions 1 to 10 of Player X and another
          describing versions 3 through 5 of Player X).

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