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         CHAPTER 9                                                               Multimedia Features

                           TABLE 9.27 Entries in a software identifier dictionary
KEY    TYPE                 VALUE

Type   name                 (Optional) The type of PDF object that this dictionary describes; if present, must be
                            SoftwareIdentifier for a software identifier dictionary.

U      ASCII string         (Required) A URI that identifies a piece of software (see “Software URIs,” below).

L      array                (Optional) The lower bound of the range of software versions that this software
                            identifier object specifies (see “Version arrays,” below). Default value: the array [0].

LI     boolean              (Optional) If true, the lower bound of the interval defined by L and H is inclusive;
                            that is, the software version must be greater than or equal to L (see “Version arrays,”
                            below). If false, it is not inclusive. Default value: true.

H      array                (Optional) The upper bound of the range of software versions that this software
                            identifier object specifies (see “Version arrays,” below). Default value: an empty ar-
                            ray [].

HI     boolean              (Optional) If true, the upper bound of the interval defined by L and H is inclusive;
                            that is, the software version must be less than or equal to H (see “Version arrays,” be-
                            low). If false, it is not inclusive. Default value: true.

OS     array                (Optional) An array of byte strings representing operating system identifiers that
                            indicate which operating systems this object applies to. The defined values are the
                            same as those defined for SMIL 2.0’s systemOperatingSystem attribute. There may
                            not be multiple copies of the same identifier in the array. An empty array is consid-
                            ered to represent all operating systems. Default value: an empty array.

         Software URIs

         The U entry is a URI (universal resource identifier) that identifies a piece of soft-
         ware. It is interpreted according to its scheme; the only presently defined scheme
         is vnd.adobe.swname. The scheme name is case-insensitive; if is not recognized by
         the viewer application, the software must be considered a non-match. The syntax
         of URIs of this scheme is

               “vnd.adobe.swname:” software_name

         where software_name is equivalent to reg_name as defined in Internet RFC 2396,
         Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax; see the Bibliography.
         software_name is considered to be a sequence of UTF-8-encoded characters that
         have been escaped with one pass of URL escaping (see “URL Strings” on page

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