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          CHAPTER 9                                                          Multimedia Features

KEY             TYPE          VALUE

ShowControls    boolean       (Optional) A flag specifying whether to display a movie controller bar while
                              playing the movie. Default value: false.

Mode            name          (Optional) The play mode for playing the movie:
                                Once         Play once and stop.
                                Open         Play and leave the movie controller bar open.
                                Repeat       Play repeatedly from beginning to end until stopped.
                                Palindrome Play continuously forward and backward until stopped.

                              Default value: Once.

Synchronous     boolean       (Optional) A flag specifying whether to play the movie synchronously or
                              asynchronously. If this value is true, the movie player retains control until the
                              movie is completed or dismissed by the user. If the value is false, the player
                              returns control to the viewer application immediately after starting the mov-
                              ie. Default value: false.

FWScale         array         (Optional) The magnification (zoom) factor at which to play the movie. The
                              presence of this entry implies that the movie is to be played in a floating win-
                              dow. If the entry is absent, the movie is played in the annotation rectangle.
                              The value of the entry is an array of two positive integers,
                              [ numerator denominator ], denoting a rational magnification factor for the
                              movie. (See implementation note 153 in Appendix H.) The final window size,
                              in pixels, is
                                 (numerator ÷ denominator) × Aspect
                              where the value of Aspect is taken from the movie dictionary (see Table 9.30).

FWPosition      array         (Optional) For floating play windows, the relative position of the window on
                              the screen. The value is an array of two numbers
                                 [ horiz vert ]
                              each in the range 0.0 to 1.0, denoting the relative horizontal and vertical posi-
                              tion of the movie window with respect to the screen. For example, the value
                              [ 0.5 0.5 ] centers the window on the screen. See implementation note 154 in
                              Appendix H. Default value: [ 0.5 0.5 ].

      9.4 Alternate Presentations

          Beginning with PDF 1.4, a PDF document may contain alternate presentations,
          which specify alternate ways in which the document may be viewed. The optional
          AlternatePresentations entry (PDF 1.4) in a document’s name dictionary (see Ta-

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