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          SECTION 9.5                                                                  3D Artwork

KEY         TYPE             VALUE

C2W         array            (Required if the value of MS is M, ignored otherwise) A 12-element 3D transfor-
                             mation matrix that specifies a position and orientation of the camera in world

U3DPath     text string or   (Required if the value of MS is U3D, ignored otherwise) A sequence of one or
            array            more text strings used to access a view node within the 3D artwork. The first
                             string in the array is a node ID for the root view node, and each subsequent
                             string is the node ID for a child of the view node specified by the prior string.
                             Each view node specifies a 3D transformation matrix (see Section 9.5.4, “Coor-
                             dinate Systems for 3D”); the concatenation of all the matrices forms the cam-
                             era-to-world matrix.
                             Note: The use of an array value for this entry is deprecated. A single text string
                             (corresponding to the View Node name, as described in section of the Uni-
                             versal 3D File Format specification) is sufficient to determine the world matrix of
                             the target view node. See implementation note 157 in Appendix H.
                             Note: Do not confuse View Nodes with nodes. A View Node is a parameter in
                             the 3D artwork that specifies a view, while a node is a PDF dictionary that speci-
                             fies 3D graphic objects or collections thereof.
CO          number           (Optional; used only if MS is present) A non-negative number indicating a dis-
                             tance in the camera coordinate system along the z axis to the center of orbit for
                             this view; see discussion below. If this entry is not present, the viewer applica-
                             tion must determine the center of orbit.
P           dictionary       (Optional) A projection dictionary (see “Projection Dictionaries” on page 808)
                             that defines the projection of coordinates in the 3D artwork (already trans-
                             formed into camera coordinates) onto the target coordinate system of the anno-
                             Default value: a projection dictionary where the value of Subtype is
                             Perspective, the value of FOV is 90, and all other entries take their default val-
O           stream           (Optional; meaningful only if MS and P are present) A form XObject that is used
                             to overlay 2D graphics on top of the rendered 3D artwork (see Section 9.5.5,
                             “3D Markup).

BG          dictionary       (Optional) A background dictionary that defines the background over which the
                             3D artwork is to be drawn (see “3D Background Dictionaries” on page 812”).
                             Default value: a background dictionary whose entries take their default values.

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