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SECTION 10.5                                                          Marked Content

10.3, for instance, multiple lines of text are used to clip a subsequent graphics
object (in this case, a filled path). Each line of text is bracketed within a separate
marked clipping sequence, tagged Pgf. The entire series is bracketed in turn by an
outer marked clipping sequence, tagged Clip. Note, however, that the marked-
content sequence tagged ClippedText is not a marked clipping sequence, since it
contains a filled rectangular path that is not a clipping object. The clipping
objects belonging to the Clip and Pgf sequences are therefore not considered part
of the ClippedText sequence.

Example 10.3

   /ClippedText BMC
       /Clip << … >>
                7 Tr                      % Begin text clip mode
                /Pgf BMC
                   ( Line 1 ) Tj
                /Pgf BMC
                   ( Line ) '
                   ( 2 ) Tj
             ET                           % Set current text clip
       100 100 10 10 re f                 % Filled path

The precise rules governing marked clipping sequences are as follows:

• A clipping object is a path object ended by the operator sequence W n or W* n or
  a text object painted in text rendering mode 7.
• An invisible graphics object is a path object ended by the operator n only (with
  no preceding W or W*) or a text object painted in text rendering mode 3.
• A visible graphics object is a path object ended by any operator other than n, a
  text object painted in any text rendering mode other than 3 or 7, or any
  XObject invoked by the Do operator.
• An empty marked-content element is a marked-content point or a marked-
  content sequence that encloses no graphics objects.

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