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           SECTION 10.7                                                                    Tagged PDF

           ing text to another application or file format that has a limited repertoire of
           available fonts.

           Table 10.18 lists a common set of font characteristics corresponding to those used
           in CSS and XSL; the W3C document Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) 1.0
           provides more information (see the Bibliography). Each of the characteristics can
           be derived from information available in the font descriptor’s Flags entry (see
           Section 5.7.1, “Font Descriptor Flags”).

                               TABLE 10.18 Derivation of font characteristics

Serifed             boolean       The value of the Serif flag in the font descriptor’s Flags entry

Proportional        boolean       The complement of the FixedPitch flag in the font descriptor’s Flags entry

Italic              boolean       The value of the Italic flag in the font descriptor’s Flags entry

Smallcap            boolean       The value of the SmallCap flag in the font descriptor’s Flags entry

           Note: The characteristics shown in the table apply only to character codes con-
           tained in show strings within content streams. They do not exist for alternate de-
           scription text (Alt), replacement text (ActualText), or abbreviation expansion text

           Note: For the standard 14 Type 1 fonts, the font descriptor may be missing; the well-
           known values for those fonts are used.

           Tagged PDF in PDF 1.5 defines a wider set of font characteristics, which provide
           information needed when converting PDF to other files formats such as RTF,
           HTML, XML, and OEB, and also improve accessibility and reflow of tables.
           Table 10.19 lists these font selector attributes and shows how their values are de-

           Note: If the FontFamily, FontWeight and FontStretch fields are not present in the font de-
           scriptor, these values are derived from the font name in an implementation-defined

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