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            SECTION 10.7                                                                     Tagged PDF


NonStruct           (Nonstructural element) A grouping element having no inherent structural significance; it
                    serves solely for grouping purposes. This type of element differs from a division (structure
                    type Div ; see above) in that it is not interpreted or exported to other document formats; how-
                    ever, its descendants are to be processed normally.

Private             (Private element) A grouping element containing private content belonging to the applica-
                    tion producing it. The structural significance of this type of element is unspecified and is de-
                    termined entirely by the producer application. Neither the Private element nor any of its
                    descendants are to be interpreted or exported to other document formats.

            Block-Level Structure Elements

            A block-level structure element (BLSE) is any region of text or other content that is
            laid out in the block-progression direction, such as a paragraph, heading, list
            item, or footnote. A structure element is a BLSE if its structure type (after role
            mapping, if any) is one of those listed in Table 10.21. All other standard structure
            types are treated as ILSEs, with the following exceptions:

            • TR (Table row), TH (Table header), TD (Table data), THead (Table head), TBody
              (Table body), and TFoot (Table footer), which are used to group elements with-
              in a table and are considered neither BLSEs nor ILSEs
            • Elements with a Placement attribute (see “General Layout Attributes” on page
              917) other than the default value of Inline

                                  TABLE 10.21 Block-level structure elements
            CATEGORY                            STRUCTURE TYPES

            Paragraphlike elements              P                   H1                  H4
                                                H                   H2                  H5
                                                                    H3                  H6

            List elements                       L                   Lbl
                                                LI                  LBody

            Table element                       Table

            In many cases, a BLSE appears as one compact, contiguous piece of page content;
            in other cases, it is discontiguous. Examples of the latter include a BLSE that
            extends across a page boundary or is interrupted in the page content order by
            another, nested BLSE or a directly included footnote. When necessary, Tagged

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