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         SECTION 10.7                                                               Tagged PDF

KEY               TYPE    VALUE

WritingMode       name    (Optional; inheritable) The directions of layout progression for packing of
                          ILSEs (inline progression) and stacking of BLSEs (block progression):
                             LrTb          Inline progression from left to right; block progression from
                                           top to bottom. This is the typical writing mode for Western
                                           writing systems.
                             RlTb          Inline progression from right to left; block progression from
                                           top to bottom. This is the typical writing mode for Arabic
                                           and Hebrew writing systems.
                             TbRl          Inline progression from top to bottom; block progression
                                           from right to left. This is the typical writing mode for
                                           Chinese and Japanese writing systems.
                          The specified layout directions apply to the given structure element and all of
                          its descendants to any level of nesting. Default value: LrTb.
                          For elements that produce multiple columns, the writing mode defines the
                          direction of column progression within the reference area: the inline direc-
                          tion determines the stacking direction for columns and the default flow order
                          of text from column to column. For tables, the writing mode controls the lay-
                          out of rows and columns: table rows (structure type TR) are stacked in the
                          block direction, cells within a row (structure type TD) in the inline direction.
                          Note: The inline-progression direction specified by the writing mode is subject
                          to local override within the text being laid out, as described in Unicode Stan-
                          dard Annex #9, The Bidirectional Algorithm, available from the Unicode Con-
                          sortium (see the Bibliography).

BackgroundColor   array   (Optional; not inheritable; PDF 1.5) The color to be used to fill the back-
                          ground of a table cell or any element’s content rectangle (possibly adjusted by
                          the Padding attribute). The value is an array of three numbers in the range
                          0.0 to 1.0, representing the red, green, and blue values, respectively, of an
                          RGB color space. If this attribute is not specified, the element is treated as if it
                          were transparent.

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