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         SECTION 10.7                                                                  Tagged PDF

                                 TABLE 10.34 Standard list attribute
KEY             TYPE        VALUE

ListNumbering   name        (Optional; inheritable) The numbering system used to generate the content of
                            the Lbl (Label) elements in an autonumbered list, or the symbol used to identify
                            each item in an unnumbered list:
                               None           No autonumbering; Lbl elements (if present) contain arbitrary
                                              text not subject to any numbering scheme
                               Disc           Solid circular bullet
                               Circle         Open circular bullet
                               Square         Solid square bullet
                               Decimal        Decimal arabic numerals (1–9, 10–99, … )
                               UpperRoman Uppercase roman numerals (I, II, III, IV, … )

                               LowerRoman     Lowercase roman numerals (i, ii, iii, iv, … )
                               UpperAlpha     Uppercase letters (A, B, C, … )
                               LowerAlpha     Lowercase letters (a, b, c, … )
                            Default value: None.
                            Note: The alphabet used for UpperAlpha and LowerAlpha is determined by the pre-
                            vailing Lang entry (see Section 10.8.1, “Natural Language Specification”).
                            Note: The set of possible values may be expanded as Unicode identifies additional
                            numbering systems.

         Note: This attribute is used to allow a content extraction tool to autonumber a list.
         However, the Lbl elements within the table should nevertheless contain the resulting
         numbers explicitly, so that the document can be reflowed or printed without the
         need for autonumbering.

         PrintField Attributes

         (PDF 1.7) The attributes described in Table 10.35 identify the role of fields in
         non-interactive PDF forms. Such forms may have originally contained interactive
         fields such as text fields and radio buttons but were then converted into non-in-
         teractive PDF files, or they may have been designed to be printed out and filled in
         manually. Since the roles of the fields cannot be determined from interactive ele-
         ments, the roles are defined using PrintField attributes.

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