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         APPENDIX B                                               Operators in Type 4 Functions

  B.2 Relational, Boolean, and Bitwise Operators

                   any1 any2      eq bool                       Test equal
                   any1 any2      ne bool                       Test not equal
                 num1 num2        gt bool                       Test greater than
                 num1 num2        ge bool                       Test greater than or equal
                 num1 num2        lt bool                       Test less than
                 num1 num2        le bool                       Test less than or equal
      bool1 | int1 bool2 | int2   and bool3 | int3              Perform logical | bitwise and
      bool1 | int1 bool2 | int2   or bool3 | int3               Perform logical | bitwise inclusive or
      bool1 | int1 bool2 | int2   xor bool3 | int3              Perform logical | bitwise exclusive or
                   bool1 | int1   not bool2 | int2              Perform logical | bitwise not
                    int1 shift    bitshift int2                 Perform bitwise shift of int1 (positive is left)
                              –   true true                     Return boolean value true
                              –   false false                   Return boolean value false

  B.3 Conditional Operators

                  bool { expr } if –                            Execute expr if bool is true
         bool { expr1 } { expr2 } ifelse    –                   Execute expr1 if bool is true, expr2 if false

  B.4 Stack Operators

              any     pop –                                     Discard top element
        any1 any2     exch any2 any1                            Exchange top two elements
              any     dup any any                               Duplicate top element
  any1 … anyn n       copy any1 … anyn any1 … anyn              Duplicate top n elements
  anyn … any0 n       index anyn … any0 anyn                    Duplicate arbitrary element
anyn−1 … any0 n j     roll any( j−1) mod n … any0 anyn−1   … anyj mod n
                                                                Roll n elements up j times

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