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S E C T I O N H .3                                           Implementation Notes

  65. For compatibility with Acrobat 2.0 and 2.1, the names of resources in a
      Type 3 font’s resource dictionary must match those in the page object’s re-
      source dictionary for all pages in which the font is referenced. If backward
      compatibility is not required, any valid names may be used.

5.6.4, “CMaps”
  66. Embedded CMap files, other than ToUnicode CMaps, do not work prop-
      erly in Acrobat 4.0 viewers; this has been corrected in Acrobat 4.05.
  67. Japanese fonts included with Acrobat 6.0 contain only glyphs from the
      Adobe Japan1-4 character collection. Documents that use fonts contain-
      ing additional glyphs from the Adobe-Japan1-5 collection must embed
      those fonts to ensure proper display and printing.

5.7, “Font Descriptors”
  68. Acrobat viewers earlier than version 3.0 ignore the FontFile3 entry. If a
      font uses the Adobe standard Latin character set (as defined in Section
      D.1, “Latin Character Set and Encodings”), Acrobat creates a substitute
      font. Otherwise, Acrobat displays an error message (once per document)
      and substitutes any characters in the font with the bullet character.

5.8, “Embedded Font Programs”
  69. For simple fonts, font substitution is performed using multiple master
      Type 1 fonts. This substitution can be performed only for fonts that use
      the Adobe standard Latin character set (as defined in Section D.1, “Latin
      Character Set and Encodings”). In Acrobat 3.0.1 and later, Type 0 fonts
      that use a CMap whose CIDSystemInfo dictionary defines the Adobe-GB1,
      Adobe-CNS1 Adobe-Japan1, or Adobe-Korea1 character collection can
      also be substituted. To make a document portable, fonts that cannot be
      substituted must be embedded. The only exceptions are the Symbol and
      ZapfDingbats fonts, which are assumed to be present.

6.4.2, “Spot Functions”
  70. When Distiller encounters a call to the PostScript setscreen or sethalftone
      operator that includes a spot function, it compares the PostScript code de-
      fining the spot function with that of the predefined spot functions shown
      in Table 6.1. If the code matches one of the predefined functions, Distiller

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