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     SE CT IO N I. 2                                                  Selective Computation

I.2.7 Actions

     For most actions (see Section 8.5, “Actions”), the values of the following entries in
     the action dictionary are digested, in order, if present: S (required), D, F,
     NewWindow, O, P, B, Base, Sound, Vol, Annot, T, H, N, JS and URI.

     Rendition actions (see “Rendition Actions” on page 668) are treated differently
     than the other types. The data that is digested is media data that is nested in sev-
     eral levels of objects, as follows:

     • The rendition action’s R entry, if present, specifies a rendition object (see Sec-
       tion 9.1.2, “Renditions”) whose S entry determines whether it is a media rendi-
       tion or a selector rendition.
     • Selector renditions have an  R entry specifying an array of renditions, which
       may themselves be selector renditions. This array is searched recursively for all
       media renditions, which are then processed as specified below.
     • Media renditions have a C entry that refers to a media clip dictionary. If the S
       entry of the media clip is MCD (media clip data), the D entry specifies the data
       that is digested (see Table 9.9).

I.2.8 Additional-Actions

     Additional-actions dictionaries (see Section 8.5.2, “Trigger Events”) can be the
     value of the AA entry of a catalog, page, annotation or field dictionary. If the addi-
     tional action is valid, the values of the following entries in the additional-actions
     dictionary are digested, in order, if present: E, X, D, U, Fo, Bl, O, C, K, F, V, C, WC,
     WS, DS, WP, and DP.

I.2.9 Page Template Verification

     In some cases, the permissions granted allow page template instantiation; this oc-
     curs when the value of P in the DocMDP transform parameters dictionary is 2 or 3
     (see Table 8.104) or the value of Form in the UR transform parameters is
     SpawnTemplate (see Table 8.105). In such cases, object digest must be computed
     in such a way that its value changes when new pages have been added to the doc-
     ument but not when pages have been instantiated from named pages (templates).

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