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actions for 622, 647                                                 circle annotations
activating 604, 622, 637-640, 647, 719, 1035, 1054,                  file attachment annotations
    1114                                                             free text annotations
active area 613, 622, 641-643, 649, 652, 665                         ink annotations
alternate description 606, 616, 943                                  line annotations
annotation rectangle. See annotation rectangle                       link annotations
appearance dictionary 606, 608, 613-614                              markup annotations
appearance state 607, 614, 647, 686, 689                             movie annotations
appearances. See appearance streams                                  caret annotations
blend mode 613, 618                                                  polygon annotations
border style. See border styles                                      polyline annotations
border width 607, 611, 625, 631-632, 636                             pop-up annotations
color 607                                                            printer’s mark annotations
corner radii 607                                                     rubber stamp annotations
dash pattern 607, 611, 625, 631, 636                                 screen annotations
destinations for 581-582, 584, 622, 1114                             sound annotations
in FDF 710-711, 715                                                  square annotations
flags. See annotation flags                                          text annotations
handlers 605, 608, 1019                                              text markup annotations
hiding and showing 608-609, 665-666                                  trap network annotations
highlighting 613, 622, 641                                           widget annotations
icon. See annotation icons                                   Annotations entry (legal attestation dictionary) 743
label 618, 705                                               Annots entry
in Linearized PDF 1035, 1043, 1054                               FDF dictionary 715
as logical structure content items 890                           page object 147, 605, 640, 644, 670, 890, 975, 977,
in logical structure elements 868                                    1035, 1075, 1078-1080, 1128
marked-content sequences, association with 890                   UR transform parameters dictionary 735
modification date 606
                                                             AnnotStates entry (trap network annotation dictionary)
name 606
optional content and 374, 608
in page content order, sequencing of 890                     AntiAlias entry (shading dictionary) 305
and page objects 137                                         anti-aliasing
plug-in extensions for 605, 1019, 1096                           shading patterns 305
pop-up window 607, 618, 705                                      transparency 515, 527
PostScript conversion to 46                                  AnyOff visibility policy (optional content membership
printing 608-609, 613, 1114                                          dictionary) 366-367
as real content 885                                          AnyOn visibility policy (optional content membership
and reference XObjects 363                                           dictionary) 366-367
replies 618-619, 621                                         AP entry
rotating 609, 621                                                annotation dictionary 606, 613, 621, 624-626, 631-632,
scaling 609, 621, 719-720                                            634, 636, 638-641, 678, 688, 696, 707, 791, 968, 976,
states 620                                                           1113
in structural parent tree 857                                    FDF field dictionary 718, 1120
and submit-form actions 705                                      name dictionary 150, 615
tab order 604-605, 1113
                                                             API. See application programming interface
and trap networks 977
trigger events for 649-650                                   apostrophe ( ' ) character
type. See annotation types                                       in dates 160
in updating example 1074-1075, 1077-1080, 1082                   as text-showing operator 196, 398, 400, 407, 988
URI actions for 662                                          AppDefault page scaling 580
user interaction 608-609, 612-613, 640                       appearance characteristics dictionaries
version compatibility 1098                                       AC entry 642
See also                                                         BC entry 642
    annotation dictionaries                                      BG entry 642
    3D annotations                                               CA entry 642

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